42 - How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title katherine mclee
Blogging Tips

How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title For Maximum Impact

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This post is going to explain how to craft the perfect blog post title.

Blog post titles are one of those things that may seem unimportant, but this couldn’t be further from the truth!

There’s an importance to blog post titles. As with most things in the blogging world, something that may seem insignificant, actually plays quite a big role!

I’m going to explain exactly how to create the perfect blog post title, and I’ve included lists of various impactful words you can use in your own posts.

There are a few reasons why getting your blog post title right is important.

The first is, of course, to attract readers to your website/blog. Blog post titles are the perfect way to grab the reader’s attention as they are often the first thing people will see before they decide if they want to click through to your blog or not. Creating a blog post title that grabs their attention and appeals to your chosen audience is key.

The second main reason as to why you should take time to create the perfect blog post title is for SEO. 

The title of a blog post is one of the most important factors that search engines use to determine what the post is about. This is a perfect example of on-page SEO

A well-optimised title can help your blog post rank higher in search engine results pages for relevant keywords. This can lead to more traffic to your blog which is of course, the goal.

Your blog post title is one of the most important places to put your chosen keyword for that particular post.

The title of your blog post will also help expectations for potential readers. As mentioned above, the title of  your blog post is what catches a reader’s eye and peaks their interest. Making sure your title is a true reflection of your content will make sure no one is left feeling disappointed or misled!

To create an ideal title for a blog post, you need to craft it in a way that works for your blog and your readers.

Below are some tips that can help you create a title that grabs your audience’s attention and encourages them to click through and read your post:

  1. Be specific. Use clear and specific language to describe what your post is about. Avoid vague or generic titles that don’t convey the value of your content. You want to show your hard work off!
  2. Use power/emotional words. Incorporate power words that grab any potential reader’s attention. I’ve included lists of power/emotional words a bit further down! 
  3. Don’t make it too long. Try to keep your title to around 80 characters or less, as longer titles can be difficult to read and may get cut off in search results. If you do want a longer title, make sure your keyword is in the first part!
  4. Be descriptive. Your title should accurately reflect the content of your post and give your readers a clear idea of what to expect. You can of course peak their interest, but without using clickbait type tactics.
  5. Consider your target audience. Think about who your target audience is and craft a title that will appeal to their interests and needs. What sort of problems are you solving? What answers are they looking for?
  6. Use numbers. Titles with numbers (such as β€œ9 Ways To…”) often perform well, as they give readers a clear idea of what to expect. 
  7. Experiment. Over time, try out different variations of your title to see what resonates best with your audience. 
  8. Consider SEO. Use keywords and phrases that are relevant to your topic and that your target audience is likely to search for. However, avoid stuffing your title with keywords or writing titles solely for the purpose of ranking higher in search results. Keyword stuffing will have a negative effect in terms of search engine ranking.
  9. Be creative. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your titles and use humour or puns if they are relevant to your content and audience. This won’t work for every niche but can be a niche touch if this is something that you can work with.

Remember that your blog post title is often the first thing your audience sees.

This means it’s important to put in the time and effort to create a title that reflects the value of your content and encourages readers to click through and engage with your post! 

Above I mentioned β€œpower words”. Power words are words or phrases that can evoke strong emotions or create a sense of urgency, excitement, or curiosity in any potential reader. Power words can be effective in headlines, as they can be used to grab the reader’s attention. 

Tip: Don’t over-do it with any of the sorts of words/power words listed below! Your chosen power words are there to help hype up your content. Too many or contradicting power words may well have the opposite effect as it would look over-hyped.

The best power words for your blog post title will depend on the specific topic and content of your post. So it’s important to choose words that accurately describe what your readers can expect from reading your post.

There are different types of thought/emotion provoking words. Power words are just one of the most common but easiest to implement. Below are a few categories of different strong/compelling words you can use in your blog post title. 

Using power words alone won’t guarantee that your blog post will be successful, but they can help make your title more attention-grabbing and enticing to readers! This can help in getting more eyes on your content.

Note: Some of the words in these categories may overlap but that’s okay! Go for the categories that you are drawn to most and that fit your niche and your content the best.

Below these blog post title word ideas you will find some title template ideas which will help you use them in your own blog post titles!

Here are 50 POWER words that you can use to create attention-grabbing blog post titles:

  1. Ultimate
  2. Essential
  3. Surprising
  4. Proven
  5. Expert
  6. Secret
  7. Inspiring
  8. Powerful
  9. Mind-blowing
  10. Revolutionary
  11. Revealing
  12. Exclusive
  13. Amazing
  14. Unforgettable
  15. Comprehensive
  16. Unique
  17. Practical
  18. Simple
  19. Effective
  20. Game-changing
  21. Valuable
  22. Critical
  23. Master
  24. Dominant
  25. Unbeatable
  26. Guaranteed
  27. Epic
  28. Killer
  29. Untold
  30. Jaw-Dropping
  31. Breakthrough
  32. Pioneering
  33. Epic
  34. Shocking
  35. Extraordinary
  36. Exciting
  37. Sensational
  38. Phenomenal
  39. Vital
  40. Insightful
  41. Dynamic
  42. Compelling
  43. Persuasive
  44. Eye-Opening
  45. Surprising
  46. Revealing
  47. Disturbing
  48. Startling
  49. Intriguing
  50. Exhilarating

Below are 50 EMOTIONAL words that can help create an emotional connection with your readers and make your blog post titles more engaging and memorable:

  1. Inspiring
  2. Heartwarming
  3. Moving
  4. Empowering
  5. Hopeful
  6. Touching
  7. Uplifting
  8. Motivating
  9. Encouraging
  10. Enthralling
  11. Enchanting
  12. Fascinating
  13. Gripping
  14. Captivating
  15. Intriguing
  16. Thrilling
  17. Shocking
  18. Surprising
  19. Astonishing
  20. Mind-blowing
  21. Eye-opening
  22. Stunning
  23. Mesmerizing
  24. Alluring
  25. Addictive
  26. Compelling
  27. Persuasive
  28. Controversial
  29. Provocative
  30. Thought-provoking
  31. Insightful
  32. Profound
  33. Wise
  34. Enlightening
  35. Edifying
  36. Informative
  37. Persuasive
  38. Motivating
  39. Empathetic
  40. Thoughtful
  41. Sympathetic
  42. Reassuring
  43. Comforting
  44. Nostalgic
  45. Sentimental
  46. Melancholic
  47. Bittersweet
  48. Reflective
  49. Introspective
  50. Transformative

Here are 50 UNIQUE words you can use:

  1. Quirky
  2. Unconventional
  3. Eccentric
  4. Offbeat
  5. Avant-garde
  6. Pioneering
  7. Radical
  8. Innovative
  9. Trailblazing
  10. Visionary
  11. Futuristic
  12. Unorthodox
  13. Outlandish
  14. Bizarre
  15. Oddball
  16. Strange
  17. Mysterious
  18. Esoteric
  19. Enigmatic
  20. Cryptic
  21. Arcane
  22. Unusual
  23. Atypical
  24. Anomalous
  25. Unique
  26. Distinctive
  27. Individualistic
  28. Singular
  29. Uncommon
  30. Rare
  31. Exotic
  32. Intriguing
  33. Unfamiliar
  34. Novel
  35. Unexplored
  36. Untouched
  37. Uncharted
  38. Unexpected
  39. Surprising
  40. Unpredictable
  41. Serendipitous
  42. Unanticipated
  43. Unforeseen
  44. Fortuitous
  45. Contingent
  46. Circumstantial
  47. Random
  48. Arbitrary
  49. Haphazard
  50. Chance

Below are 50 CREATIVE words:

  1. Curated
  2. Hybrid
  3. Mind-blowing
  4. Uncharted
  5. Next-level
  6. Empowering
  7. Transformational
  8. Trailblazing
  9. Futuristic
  10. Visionary
  11. Disruptive
  12. Ingenious
  13. Clever
  14. Artful
  15. Crafty
  16. Inspired
  17. Innovative
  18. Unconventional
  19. Nonconformist
  20. Avant-garde
  21. Offbeat
  22. Quirky
  23. Eccentric
  24. Pioneering
  25. Radical
  26. Exceptional
  27. Phenomenal
  28. Extraordinary
  29. Unparalleled
  30. Remarkable
  31. Revolutionary
  32. Unprecedented
  33. Singular
  34. Distinctive
  35. Memorable
  36. Fascinating
  37. Captivating
  38. Intriguing
  39. Enigmatic
  40. Mysterious
  41. Esoteric
  42. Mystical
  43. Mythical
  44. Whimsical
  45. Playful
  46. Imaginative
  47. Fantastical
  48. Magical
  49. Enchanting
  50. Mesmerizing

Here are 50 CATCHY words that you can use in your blog post titles:

  1. Secrets
  2. Hacks
  3. Tips
  4. Tricks
  5. Easy
  6. Simple
  7. Quick
  8. Proven
  9. Powerful
  10. Essential
  11. Must-have
  12. Ultimate
  13. Best
  14. Top
  15. Trending
  16. Viral
  17. Exclusive
  18. Unbelievable
  19. Incredible
  20. Mind-blowing
  21. Shocking
  22. Unconventional
  23. Game-changing
  24. Innovative
  25. Creative
  26. Genius
  27. Expert
  28. Insider
  29. Comprehensive
  30. Complete
  31. Master
  32. Ultimate
  33. Epic
  34. Legendary
  35. Phenomenal
  36. Extraordinary
  37. Amazing
  38. Awesome
  39. Unforgettable
  40. Memorable
  41. Remarkable
  42. Sensational
  43. Fantastic
  44. Spectacular
  45. Outstanding
  46. Impressive
  47. Unbeatable
  48. Irresistible
  49. Compelling
  50. Captivating

Below are 50 ENGAGING words that can use to make your blog post titles more interesting and appealing to your readers:

  1. Discover
  2. Learn
  3. Explore
  4. Uncover
  5. Find out
  6. Dive into
  7. Delve into
  8. Investigate
  9. Examine
  10. Analyze
  11. Interpret
  12. Break down
  13. Simplify
  14. Demystify
  15. Illuminate
  16. Clarify
  17. Educate
  18. Inform
  19. Enlighten
  20. Inspire
  21. Motivate
  22. Empower
  23. Transform
  24. Revolutionise
  25. Change
  26. Impact
  27. Enhance
  28. Optimise
  29. Upgrade
  30. Improve
  31. Boost
  32. Accelerate
  33. Streamline
  34. Automate
  35. Systemize
  36. Innovate
  37. Pioneer
  38. Trailblaze
  39. Challenge
  40. Engage
  41. Connect
  42. Interact
  43. Involve
  44. Participate
  45. Collaborate
  46. Create
  47. Generate
  48. Foster
  49. Cultivate
  50. Nurture

Here are 50 INTERESTING words that can make your blog post titles more intriguing:

  1. Fascinating
  2. Intriguing
  3. Compelling
  4. Curious
  5. Mysterious
  6. Enigmatic
  7. Puzzling
  8. Confounding
  9. Baffling
  10. Cryptic
  11. Provocative
  12. Stimulating
  13. Engrossing
  14. Absorbing
  15. Gripping
  16. Captivating
  17. Entertaining
  18. Amusing
  19. Humorous
  20. Witty
  21. Quirky
  22. Eccentric
  23. Unusual
  24. Rare
  25. Uncommon
  26. Novel
  27. Original
  28. Innovative
  29. Avant-garde
  30. Radical
  31. Unconventional
  32. Offbeat
  33. Surreal
  34. Dreamlike
  35. Imaginative
  36. Fantastical
  37. Otherworldly
  38. Enchanting
  39. Mesmerising
  40. Spellbinding
  41. Alluring
  42. Seductive
  43. Tempting
  44. Compulsive
  45. Addictive
  46. Obsessive
  47. Provocative
  48. Controversial
  49. Daring
  50. Bold

Sometimes you can slot a power word into a title you already had in mind. Other times you may need to craft your blog post title around your chosen power/strong word. 

Here are some blog post title templates that can help you come up with the perfect title for your content:

  1. The Ultimate Guide to [Topic]
  2. How to [Achieve Goal] in [Specific Timeframe]
  3. [Number] [Adjective] Ways to [Solve Problem/Improve Skill]
  4. [Number] Surprising Facts About [Topic]
  5. [Number] Myths About [Topic], Debunked
  6. [Number] Secrets to [Achieving Goal/Improving Skill]
  7. [Number] Common Mistakes to Avoid When [Doing Activity]
  8. The Beginner’s Guide to [Topic]
  9. The Complete [Step-by-Step/Beginner’s] Guide to [Topic]
  10. [Number] Tips for [Achieving Goal/Improving Skill]
  11. How [Expert/Influencer] [Achieved Goal/Overcame Challenge]
  12. [Number] Things You Need to Know About [Topic]
  13. [Number] Habits of Successful [Professionals/Entrepreneurs]
  14. The Science Behind [Topic]: [Number] Surprising Facts
  15. [Number] Questions to Ask Before [Taking Action/Investing]
  16. How [Product/Service] [Solves Problem/Improves Skill]
  17. [Number] Reasons Why [Topic] is Important
  18. [Number] Best [Products/Tools/Services] for [Achieving Goal]
  19. How to [Do Activity] Like a [Professional/Expert]
  20. The [Ultimate/Complete/Definitive] [Guide/Checklist] to [Topic]

You can use and modify these templates to suit you and your blog! Remember to also incorporate relevant keywords and power words to make your titles stand out and attract more readers.

This post was to provide insight into how to create the perfect blog post titles for your blog.

I hope this has helped you in how to create perfect blog post titles for your content! 

Speak soon!

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