• 45 - How to stop feeling overwhelmed/unfocused katherine mclee neon arrows focus blog
    Mindset and Productivity

    How To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed As A New Blogger

    In this post we will go over how to avoid feeling overwhelmed as a new blogger. Blogger overwhelm is a real thing!  No matter if you are a new or more experienced blogger, no doubt you will have felt overwhelmed at some point. It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus on your blogging goals within the chaos of daily life. There’s a lot more to growing a successful blog than you may initially realise. This isn’t to say it’s not worth it – it 100% is – it’s just the reality of having your own blog! Let’s dive in and look at how to avoid feeling overwhelmed…

  • How Many Blog Posts Per Week For Optimal Blog Growth? Katherine Mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    How Many Blog Posts Per Week For Optimal Blog Growth?

    In this post we will be going over exactly how many blog posts you should be posting each week for blog growth? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions asked by anyone trying to grow a blog! We all know that creating new, fresh content is key to growing a blog. But how often should you post to grow your blog? Do you have to publish new content daily to see results? There is no one specific answer here. The number will be different for everyone! But let’s go over how frequently you should be posting on your blog that works for you. It’s an important consideration…

  • 42 - How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title katherine mclee
    Blogging Tips

    How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title For Maximum Impact

    This post is going to explain how to craft the perfect blog post title. Blog post titles are one of those things that may seem unimportant, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! There’s an importance to blog post titles. As with most things in the blogging world, something that may seem insignificant, actually plays quite a big role! I’m going to explain exactly how to create the perfect blog post title, and I’ve included lists of various impactful words you can use in your own posts. There are a few reasons why getting your blog post title right is important. The first is, of course, to attract readers…

  • 41 - How To Choose a Niche for your Blog katherine mclee
    Starting a Blog

    How To Choose A Niche For Your Blog: Tips For Getting It Right First Time

    In this post we will go over how to choose a niche for your blog. Starting your own blog is an exciting thing!  Anyone – in theory – can blog about anything.  If you’re blogging as a hobby and wish to blog on a huge range of topics – absolutely go for it! This post is more geared to those who know that either in the near future or distant future, want to make money from their blog. Whether you have chosen to start a blog for yourself or as a business (or a bit of both), will make a difference as to what sort of niche you should go…

  • What You Need To Know About On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO. Katherine McLee blog
    Blogging Tips

    What You Need To Know About On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO

    In this post we will go over what you need to know about on-page SEO vs off-page SEO. In this post we are going to go over the differences between on-page SEO and off-page SEO, along with why SEO is so important for bloggers.  Whether you’ve been blogging for a while or are a new blogger, you’ll have heard the term SEO.  What does that actually mean and look like for you and your blog though? SEO is one of the aspects of blogging that is SO important, but can be SO confusing when you first start looking into it. In this post we will be going over what SEO…

  • The Difference Between Domains And Hosting Blogging For Beginners

    What Are Domains And Hosting? Simplified Explanation! Blogging For Beginners

    In this post we will answer the question: What Are Domains And Hosting? When it comes to creating a website, there are two terms that often cause confusion: domains and hosting. People often use them as one term “domains and hosting”, but both domains and hosting are very separate things!  While both are essential parts of a website, they serve very different purposes.  In this blog post, we’ll go through the differences between domains and hosting, and why understanding these differences is crucial for anyone who wants to create a website.  Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or just someone curious about the world of websites, this post will provide…

  • 8 daily habits of highly successful people - katherine mclee blog
    Mindset and Productivity

    8 Simple Daily Habits That Can Make You More Successful!

    This post is all about 8 Daily Habits Of Highly Successful People. Success is no accident to those who achieve it. What success means to you may be different to what success means to someone else. To some, success may mean a monetary goal. To others it may mean financial freedom, to have found true love or true happiness, or to be able to run their own business. There are so many meanings of what success means to different people, but success is no accident. Success is strived and worked for. There are habits, systems and disciplines put in place to achieve their chosen level of success. Those who are…

  • Reasons To Start A Completely Free Blog In 2023 katherine mclee
    Starting a Blog

    Reasons To Start A Completely Free Blog In 2025

    Reasons To Start A Completely Free Blog In 2025. On this blog we talk a lot about starting your own blog! We discuss all things Hosting, Domains, the best Blog themes, Keyword research, Google SEO, Legal Pages to make sure your blog is completly covered and legal/safe, and various other things. For the majority of people I would always recommend a self hosted blog. But what about the people who don’t want to have their blog as a business? There are of course people who don’t want to make money from their blog.  There are a few reasons why you may want to start a free blog!  Blogs are an…

  • Can You Make Money In Your First Month Blogging? The Truth! blogging katherine mclee
    Blog Monetisation

    Can You Make Money In Your First Month Blogging? The Truth!

    Can You Make Money In Your First Month Blogging? The Truth! This has to be one of the most common questions new bloggers have! And with good reason. The answer is never fully clear! I touched on this in my post here about blogging myths! Everyone wants to make extra money. Whether it’s a lot or a little is up to you!  Starting a blog purely to make money is never a good idea. It takes a long time to see results and make good money back online. You need the passion for the topic you are talking about to keep your momentum going. It will also help you really…

  • Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers katherine mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers

    Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers. If you’re completely new to blogging, learning what is and what isn’t factual is so important. You don’t want to be put off before you’ve even started. On the flip side, I want you to be fully clued in on what to expect when you first start your new blog! We will go over some of the most common blogging myths and what the reality for these statements actually is. If you are looking to start a hobby/personal blog and don’t intend on making money from it, or have no want to grow your blog into a business of any sort,…

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