How To Overcome Writer's Block As A Blogger: The Best Ways To Get Back On Track. katherine mclee blog
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How To Overcome Writer’s Block As A Blogger: The Best Ways To Get Back On Track

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This post is to explain how to overcome writer’s block as a blogger, and the best (and fastest) ways to get back on track.

Every blogger, regardless of experience or niche, has encountered the dreaded writer’s block at some point. Also known as bloggerโ€™s block!

There are two types of writer’s block when it comes to blogging.

Not knowing what blog post to write, and not knowing what to write within a blog post.

It’s that frustrating moment when inspiration seems elusive, and the words simply won’t flow.

Creativity (like most things) has its ebbs and flows. Embracing these challenges can lead to personal growth and even more remarkable content creation in the long run as you start to build up strategies and tricks that help you get out of any rut you may feel like youโ€™re in. 

Writer’s block is a common issue for bloggers. Thankfully it can be overcome with the right strategies and a dose of motivation.

In this blog post, we will go over some effective techniques to deal with writer’s block and get your blogging back on track!

Writer’s block is a hurdle that every blogger faces. That doesnโ€™t mean it shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your passion. Youโ€™ve already come this far!

By implementing strategies like establishing a routine, seeking inspiration, breaking down tasks, practising self-care, connecting with others, and exploring different content formats, you can overcome writer’s block and stay motivated to continue with your blog. 

It can be disheartening to stare at a blank screen without a clear direction. So letโ€™s go over how you can get rid of bloggerโ€™s block and get back on track!

Here are some ways you can discover the inspiration you may have lost to keep your blog thriving:

Revisit Your Blog’s Niche and Purpose

Read over your business plan/mission statement (if you have one). If not, have a think back to what you wanted from your blog when you first started it. 

Think about your blog’s purpose and the niche/readers you cater to. Have a think about your target audience’s needs, interests, and any pain points/questions they may have.

Consider how you can address these areas in a unique and valuable way. By reminding yourself of your blog’s core focus, you can explore new ideas that align with your audience’s expectations and needs.

Engage with Your Audience

Similarly, your readers themselves can be an amazing source of inspiration. Engage with your audience through comments, social media, or email and encourage them to share their questions, concerns, or topics they’d like to see covered on your blog! 

This direct interaction not only helps to generate new ideas, but also helps you tailor your content to your audience’s specific preferences.

Have A Functional And Consistent Blogging Routine

Establishing a consistent writing routine can be a powerful tool in combating writer’s block. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your blog. Knowing what days you are posting on what topics (using your blog post schedule) means you have time to prepare for each post in advance. This makes it easier to overcome mental blocks and get into a writing flow.

Keyword Research

Carrying out effective keyword research can make a world of difference. Not only for getting your blog posts found on Google and Pinterest, but for inspiration on what topics to write on too. While researching topics and looking at various factors with whichever keyword research tool you prefer, it should also show you similar/related keywords and topics to write on. 

My preferred Keyword Research tool is Keysearch as itโ€™s super affordable and so simple to use, but really works! It’s perfect for anyone new to keyword research too.

Keyword research can be a powerful tool to overcome writer’s block for bloggers. Below are some ways that you can use keyword research to generate ideas and get your creative spark back!

The ways in which Keyword Research can help you overcome writerโ€™s block as a blogger is that it can help you to:

  • Generate blog post ideas
  • Identify relevant topics
  • Analyse search volume and competition
  • Expand on your ideas
  • Provide content ideas for your blog content calendar
  • Help you understand what readers are looking for
  • Provide keyword variations you may not have thought of

Utilise keyword research tools to identify popular search terms and topics in your niche. Look for keywords that have high search volumes and relatively low competition in the beginning stages especially. This crucial research can help you come up with potential blog post ideas based on what people are actually searching for!

Incorporating SEO-friendly content into your blog posts can attract organic traffic and expand your audience!

Eliminate Distractions

Writerโ€™s block can come in many forms. One of which is losing track half way through a post! 

Identify any distractions that hinder your writing process and try to minimise them. While this may not spark internal inspiration, it can certainly stop you getting thrown off the blog post you are working on at the time.

Creating a focused and distraction-free environment can help you concentrate on your writing and overcome writer’s block. 

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Look At Older Posts

Dive into your blog archives and unearth hidden gems. Repurpose or update older blog posts by adding new insights, statistics, or examples. Expand on/add to a specific topic or take a different angle on a previous post you have written.

Revisiting your older blog posts not only helps you come up with new ideas but also lets you utilise your existing content and provide a fresh perspective for your audience.

Seek Inspiration from Various Sources

Inspiration can be found in unexpected places. Explore different options to spark your creativity and get some fresh ideas.

You could read blogs and articles related to your niche. Following authority figures in your niche/topic can be a great source of inspiration too! You can attend webinars (or conferences), or engage in discussions with fellow bloggers. Exposure to a range of perspectives can help break through creative barriers and inspire new and exciting content ideas!

Changing your environment can also help spark your inspiration. A change of scenery can do wonders for breaking through writer’s block. If you usually write at your desk, try moving to a different location, such as a coffee shop, a park, or a library. The new surroundings can stimulate your creativity and provide a fresh perspective! Inspiration can come from anywhere!

Break Down Your Tasks

Sometimes writer’s block comes from feeling overwhelmed by the tasks in front of you. Stopping feelings of overwhelm and carrying out a brain dump can make the world of a difference.

Break down the writing process into smaller, manageable steps. Start with brainstorming ideas, outlining your post, and then focus on writing individual sections. By dividing the tasks itโ€™s easier to tackle each section without being overwhelmed by the whole task as one.

Another way to break down your larger tasks is to write in short bursts. Instead of trying to write an entire blog post in one sitting, break it down into smaller writing sessions. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes and focus solely on writing during that time.

By setting a time limit, you create a sense of urgency and reduce the pressure of producing a perfect piece. Over time, these shorter bursts of focused writing can add up to a complete blog post.

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Set Realistic Goals – Donโ€™t Aim To Do Too Much At Once

If youโ€™re experiencing writerโ€™s block, facing large goals isnโ€™t going to help at that moment!

Break your writing tasks into smaller, achievable goals. Set a specific target for each writing session, such as writing a paragraph or completing a section. It can be as small as necessary for you at that time. Creating an outline before you start writing will also help.

Accomplishing these smaller goals gives you a sense of progress and boosts your motivation to continue. It can also help spark inspiration and other ideas, without overwhelming yourself.

Try Freewriting

When you feel completely stuck, try freewriting to help your creativity. 

Freewriting involves writing continuously for a set amount of time of your choosing, without worrying about grammar, or any sort of structure.

This method encourages free-flowing thoughts and can help spark new ideas. 

You may just find you come out with ideas or inspiration you didnโ€™t know you had in you!

Set a timer for a specific, fairly short duration (e.g. 10 minutes) and start writing without any hesitation or too much thought. Write your thoughts down freely without worrying about grammar, structure, or coherence. 

The goal is to overcome the pressure of producing a perfect blog post in one go.

Freewriting can help you generate ideas and break through mental blocks. It can also help you work out how to fit certain pieces of information into a post, and what headings to use!

Switch Up And Try Different Content Formats

If you find you are really struggling to keep momentum going and keep your inspiration up, you can try switching up different content formats. If you typically write text-based blog posts, you could try adding in multimedia elements like videos or podcasts. 

Experimenting with new formats not only adds variety but may just give your blog the boost you need to bring back your blogging inspiration!

Take Regular Breaks

Writing burnout can contribute to writer’s block and drain your motivation. It’s essential to take breaks, step away from the screen, and recharge your mind (and your eyes!). Do things that relax and inspire you. This could be things such as going for a walk in nature, practising meditation or mindfulness, exercising, or pursuing any hobbies that you enjoy.

Taking care of your mental and physical well-being is crucial for maintaining long-term blogging motivation! 

Taking time off allows your mind to recharge and helps you come back to your writing with a fresh perspective.

We have all had it happen where we come up with an amazing idea in the shower! Thatโ€™s because your brain can relax for those few minutes and it allows you to think a little more freely.

Connect with Other Bloggers

Building connections with fellow bloggers can provide invaluable support and motivation. Joining blogging communities can be one of the best decisions you make as a blogger!

Interacting with like-minded people can spark new ideas, offer encouragement, and provide fresh perspectives. Reach out to other bloggers or friends as they can often provide a fresh perspective or help brainstorm ideas with you as you can for them. Collaborating on a blog post or discussing your writing challenges can help generate new ideas, gain insights, and overcome writer’s block.

Running out of blog post ideas is a common hurdle for every blogger, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent roadblock. By implementing these tips and strategies, including reconnecting with your blog’s purpose, engaging with your audience, exploring trends, repurposing existing content, seeking inspiration beyond your niche, conducting keyword research, and staying curious, you can consistently generate fresh and engaging blog post ideas! 

Embrace the challenge, think outside the box, and let your creativity flow to keep your blog vibrant and captivating for your readers!

So, take a deep breath, embrace the journey, and let your blogging motivation soar. Happy writing!

This post explained how to overcome writer’s block as a blogger, and the best (and fastest) ways to get back on track.

Have you ever had to overcome writerโ€™s block as a blogger? 

What techniques did you use to combat this?

Let me know in the comments below!

Speak soon!

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