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Keyword Research Explained For Bloggers: Why Are Keywords So Important?

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Have you ever wondered what keywords are and why keyword research is so important for bloggers? Let’s go over it all in this post! 

As a blogger, it’s essential to understand the importance of keyword research for driving organic traffic to your blog.

Keywords play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) which helps your blog posts rank higher in search engine results. This in turn can attract readers interested in your content.

For new bloggers especially, keywords and keyword research can be confusing and can feel overwhelming. 

In this post we will break down what keywords are, what keyword research is, and why it’s so important for your blog!

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What Is A Keyword?

A keyword is a word or phrase that is used to search for information on the internet. This can be one word or multiple words. Keywords don’t have to just be one word as the name would suggest!

When you want to find something online, you type specific words into a search engine like Google or Pinterest.

The search engine then looks for websites, pages, images or other online content that is relevant to those keywords.

It can be a word or a phrase that represents the main idea or content you are looking for. 

Keywords are important because they help search engines understand what you’re looking for and match it with relevant content on the internet already. 

If you use the right keywords, you’re more likely to find what you’re searching for quickly and easily.

As an example, let’s say you want to find a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. You would type “chocolate chip cookie recipe” into the search bar.

In this example, “chocolate chip cookie recipe” is the keyword. 

The search engine will show you a list of websites and web pages (including blogs) that have information related to making chocolate chip cookies.

What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

As a blogger you have probably heard the term “long-tail keywords”. 

A long-tail keyword is a more specific and detailed phrase that contains 5 or more words.

Unlike shorter and more general keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific to particular topics or niches.

They typically have lower search volume but can be highly valuable for targeting a specific audience!

Long-tail keywords are perfect for newer bloggers who are looking for keywords with a lower competition.

The keyword “running shoes” is broad and generic. This means a search engine could bring up a huge range of results and as a new blogger you may not get anywhere near the top pages of search results. 

However, a long-tail keyword like “running shoes for women with arch support” is much more specific and targeted to a very specific audience.

It narrows down the search to a particular type of shoes for a specific audience, making it easier for the reader to find relevant information or products.

As mentioned, the advantage of using long-tail keywords is that they tend to have less competition compared to broader more generic keywords.

This means that if you have a website, blog or a business targeting a specific niche, using long tail keywords can help you attract a much more specific audience to your content.

Additionally, long-tail keywords often indicate higher user intent, as people using such specific terms usually have a clear idea of what they are looking for.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is when you identify and analyse these specific words and phrases that people use when searching for information, products or answers on search engines like Google.

It involves understanding the search intent of your target audience and determining which keywords are relevant, popular, and likely to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

It’s like finding the right key that unlocks the door to more visibility and potential visitors for your online presence.

Keyword research is such an important part of search engine optimization (SEO). I honestly cannot stress this enough!

Think of keyword research as detective work. You’re trying to uncover the specific words or phrases that people type into search engines when they’re looking for something. 

Keyword research is what helps you find the most relevant and effective words or phrases that people use when searching for information online.

By carrying out keyword research, it allows you to find out the terms, questions and queries commonly asked and searched by your target audience in your specific niche.

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This then allows you to choose the best keywords to focus on within your blog posts, and all around your blog or website.

As an example, if you have a food blog and you write an article about healthy breakfast recipes, some of the keywords for that article could be “healthy breakfast recipes,” “easy breakfast ideas,” or “nutritious morning meals.”

These keywords reflect the main topic of your blog’s content and are words or phrases that people might use when searching for breakfast recipes.

Remember that not everyone searches for information in the same way.

Never assume you can wing it and guess what people are searching for!!

By understanding keywords, you can optimise your content and blog to match what people are actually searching for. This in turn also helps your content appear higher in search engine results!

Using keywords not only in the content of your blog but also in your post titles, categories, tags and other areas of your website will help search engines such as Google to really understand what your blog or website is about.

The more search engines understand what your blog is about, the more likely it is to show it to the right audience.

If you are truly serious about blogging and getting your blog found by readers looking for information in your niche, then keyword research (done properly) is non-negotiable.

Why Keyword Research Is Crucial For Bloggers

Keyword research is crucial for bloggers for several important reasons.

Keywords help search engines understand what your content is about, and they play a crucial role in determining where your content appears in search results!

Keywords are the bridge between your content and your target audience. They help to connect your content with the right audience who are actively searching for information related to those keywords.

By conducting keyword research, you can identify the specific words and phrases people use when searching for information related to your content.

When you then strategically incorporate these keywords into your blog posts, you can increase the chances of your content appearing higher in search engine results. This then can lead to improved visibility and organic traffic.

You Get To Know Your Target Audience

Keyword research helps you to understand your target audience better. When you spend the time learning the keywords people use to search for information, you gain insights into your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points. 

This understanding enables you to create content that directly addresses your specific audience’s queries and provides valuable information, resulting in a more engaged and targeted readership.

Proper use of keywords is essential for search engine optimisation (SEO) and are used to improve the visibility and discoverability of your blog/content on the internet.

Competitive Advantage For Bloggers

The blogging world is a highly competitive space. Keyword research provides serious bloggers with a competitive edge.

By identifying keywords that have moderate search volume but low competition, you can target specific niches and rank higher in search results.

This can help you attract readers who are specifically interested in your content, rather than competing with well-established blogs for highly competitive keywords.

When search engines know exactly what your content is about, they know exactly who to show it to! 

How To Carry Out Effective Keyword Research

Keyword research involves several steps.


Start off by brainstorming potential keywords based on your topic or niche. These topics can be general areas of interest that align with your blog’s niche. For example, if you have a travel blog, your broad topics could be “budget travel,” “adventure destinations,” or “travel tips.”

Use A Keyword Research Tool

Then, you use a keyword research tool to explore the popularity/volume and competition of those keywords.

A free keyword research tool will give you a rough idea, but not enough information if you are serious about ranking in search engines.

These tools provide insights into how many people search for a particular keyword and how difficult it is to rank for that keyword!

It means you can pick specific keywords based off of what people are actually searching for.

Analyse Search Volume and Competition

Pay close attention to the search volume of the keywords you find. Look for keywords with a decent search volume, indicating that people are actively searching for content related to those keywords.

At the same time, assess the competition level for each keyword. Aim for a mix of keywords with both moderate and low competition to increase your chances of ranking well.

Based on what you find out, you can then choose the keywords that are most relevant to your content and have a good balance between search volume and competition.

Seek Out Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords as mentioned above are longer and more specific keyword phrases. They often have lower search volumes but can be highly effective in targeting a more niche audience.

Look for long-tail keywords that address specific problems, questions, or interests within your blog’s niche. These keywords can inspire focused and valuable blog posts that cater to a specific audience’s needs.

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Take Note Of Keywords and Related Topics

Once you have gathered a list of keywords, make sure they align with your overall topic. Look for keywords that complement or fit within your chosen niche specifically.

Choose the keywords that spark ideas for informative, engaging, and valuable blog posts!

Use the keywords as a starting point to expand your ideas.

Research more about the topic, look into related topics, and then search the new topic keywords. 

This process can help you generate more in-depth and comprehensive blog posts!

Note Down Blog Post Ideas

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, brainstorm blog post ideas around those keywords. Think about different angles, subtopics, or aspects you can cover within each keyword.

You can also look at the “People also ask” section in Google search results for additional ideas!

It will also show you related keywords which you can use in your content or save for later!

These keywords will help you attract the right audience to your blog or website, improve your search engine rankings, and increase your chances of getting more visitors!

Keyword research is one of the most crucial parts of a new blogger’s journey towards building a successful blog. 

By following the points talked about above, you can use keyword research to generate blog topic ideas that are relevant, valuable, and aligned with what people are actively searching for!

It helps ensure that your blog posts address the needs of your target audience and increase the likelihood of attracting organic traffic and engagement.

By understanding your niche, identifying target keywords, and creating high quality content, you can attract organic traffic, engage readers, and establish your blog’s authority!

This post has hopefully explained to you what keywords are, what keyword research is, why it’s important and how to do keyword research to benefit your blog!

Have you noticed an increase in organic traffic since starting to implement keywords and keyword research?

What was the most confusing part of keyword research to you?

Let me know in the comments below!

Speak soon!

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