Blogging Tips

In this category "Blogging Tips" you will find all posts and information relating to providing tips, tricks and tools to help you start and run your own successful blog! Blogging Tips is where you will find posts relating to the "lesser known" aspects of blogging, along with the tips and guidance to really make a success of your own blog!

  • Understanding the Google Sandbox
    Blogging Tips

    Understanding The Google Sandbox: Tips On How To Get Out!

    This post is to explain what the Google Sandbox is, and what it means for new blogs and websites. If you are in the world of blogging, digital marketing and/or search engine optimisation (SEO), the term “Google Sandbox” will be a phrase you will have come across, most likely in your frustrations! The Sandbox is a term used for when newly launched websites (including blogs) are subject to limited visibility within search engines. Google Sandbox is (in simple terms), the idea that new blogs and websites experience a temporary period of lower visibility and organic rankings in Google search results. This means that new websites could be less visible and…

  • How To Overcome Writer's Block As A Blogger: The Best Ways To Get Back On Track. katherine mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    How To Overcome Writer’s Block As A Blogger: The Best Ways To Get Back On Track

    This post is to explain how to overcome writer’s block as a blogger, and the best (and fastest) ways to get back on track. Every blogger, regardless of experience or niche, has encountered the dreaded writer’s block at some point. Also known as blogger’s block! There are two types of writer’s block when it comes to blogging. Not knowing what blog post to write, and not knowing what to write within a blog post. It’s that frustrating moment when inspiration seems elusive, and the words simply won’t flow. Creativity (like most things) has its ebbs and flows. Embracing these challenges can lead to personal growth and even more remarkable content…

  • How Many Blog Posts Per Week For Optimal Blog Growth? Katherine Mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    How Many Blog Posts Per Week For Optimal Blog Growth?

    In this post we will be going over exactly how many blog posts you should be posting each week for blog growth? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions asked by anyone trying to grow a blog! We all know that creating new, fresh content is key to growing a blog. But how often should you post to grow your blog? Do you have to publish new content daily to see results? There is no one specific answer here. The number will be different for everyone! But let’s go over how frequently you should be posting on your blog that works for you. It’s an important consideration…

  • 42 - How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title katherine mclee
    Blogging Tips

    How To Craft The Perfect Blog Post Title For Maximum Impact

    This post is going to explain how to craft the perfect blog post title. Blog post titles are one of those things that may seem unimportant, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! There’s an importance to blog post titles. As with most things in the blogging world, something that may seem insignificant, actually plays quite a big role! I’m going to explain exactly how to create the perfect blog post title, and I’ve included lists of various impactful words you can use in your own posts. There are a few reasons why getting your blog post title right is important. The first is, of course, to attract readers…

  • What You Need To Know About On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO. Katherine McLee blog
    Blogging Tips

    What You Need To Know About On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO

    In this post we will go over what you need to know about on-page SEO vs off-page SEO. In this post we are going to go over the differences between on-page SEO and off-page SEO, along with why SEO is so important for bloggers.  Whether you’ve been blogging for a while or are a new blogger, you’ll have heard the term SEO.  What does that actually mean and look like for you and your blog though? SEO is one of the aspects of blogging that is SO important, but can be SO confusing when you first start looking into it. In this post we will be going over what SEO…

  • Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers katherine mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers

    Debunking Common Blogging Myths: A Guide for New Bloggers. If you’re completely new to blogging, learning what is and what isn’t factual is so important. You don’t want to be put off before you’ve even started. On the flip side, I want you to be fully clued in on what to expect when you first start your new blog! We will go over some of the most common blogging myths and what the reality for these statements actually is. If you are looking to start a hobby/personal blog and don’t intend on making money from it, or have no want to grow your blog into a business of any sort,…

  • The Ultimate Daily Checklist for New Bloggers Boost Your Traffic and Engagement - Success Tips For Blog Growth! Daily Tasks For New Bloggers.
    Blogging Tips

    Success Tips For Blog Growth! Daily Tasks For New Bloggers

    Success Tips For Blog Growth! Daily Tasks For New Bloggers. If you’re new to the blogging world, blogging can feel overwhelming at times. Blogging is an amazing thing, but to have a successful and profitable blog it’s a lot more work than most people realise! When you first start your blog you will have set up your website, made your blog look how you have chosen aesthetically, but then what? Of course you will get some blog posts up, but what sort of daily tasks should you be doing to grow your blog and your audience? Please be aware that this isn’t a comprehensive list. Things pop up all the…

  • 15 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make (And How To Avoid Them) katherine mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    15 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make (How To Avoid Them)

    15 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make (How To Avoid Them). Anyone who wants to, can start their own blog. That’s part of the beauty of it! Blogging is a great way to get your thoughts out, express yourself and connect with others. It’s also an amazing way to start earning an online income. Knowing the purpose of your blog (hobby or income), is an important first task. This will then help you determine how strict you need to be when it comes to making sure you aren’t making these mistakes new bloggers make. If you are wanting to earn an income from your new blog – even down the line…

  • 28 - How To Fix the Too Many Requests in 1 Hour Error in ChatGPT katherine mclee blog
    Blogging Tips

    How to Fix ‘Too Many Requests in 1 Hour’ Error in ChatGPT

    How To Fix the “Too Many Requests in 1 Hour” Error in ChatGPT. Solving the “Too Many Requests in 1 Hour” Error in ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide. ChatGPT is an AI driven processing tool that uses a natural language. This means you can have a conversation that feels like conversing with a human. This allows you to get answers for an array of questions and queries. It can assist with nearly anything text based such as drafting emails, answering questions, writing paragraphs of information or even providing sections of code. ChatGPT is a really useful tool for answering a multitude of questions you may have. It also can assist with…

  • Best Ways of Promoting Your Blog For Free: How to Drive Traffic Without Spending any Money image shows woman with curly hair smiling with a megaphone
    Blogging Tips

    Best Ways of Promoting Your Blog For Free: How to Drive Traffic Without Spending any Money

    Best Ways of Promoting Your Blog For Free: How to Drive Traffic Without Spending any Money. When you first start a blog there will be so many things you will be wanting to spend your time on. Getting traffic to your blog is hands down one of the most important ones! Without traffic and an audience, your blog cannot grow and evolve. Building up a good source of traffic and a large audience to your blog is important, but understand it isn’t a quick task.  As a beginner blogger you’ll have spent some money getting your blog set up with  a domain, hosting, a theme and courses to get you…

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