What To Focus On In Your First Month Blogging
Blogging Tips

What To Focus On Your First Month Blogging

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What To Focus On Your First Month Blogging?

As a new blogger you may feel overwhelmed and not know what to focus on your first month blogging.

You’ve decided you want to start a blog – that’s the first big step done!

You then have your niche chosen, domain picked out, hosting provider sorted, but what now? 

How do you know what to focus on your first month blogging?

This all depends on whether you want your blog as a hobby or as a “successful” blog.

(I put the word successful in inverted commas as success can look different to anyone. In this article I will be using it to mean to either make money from, or get a lot of pageviews/visitors to your blog).

For a hobby blog you can really do what you like here, write some posts and get them up as and when suits you and your schedule!

The rest of this article will be aimed more at those wanting to have a successful blog, but feel free to use this information if you are a hobby blogger too!

If you are aiming for a successful blog, you will want to approach things a little differently.

Setting up your blog can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. It depends on your experience and what sort of look you are after (the more of a perfectionist you are, the longer it will take), so I won’t be including the blog set up as part of your first month blogging.

Try not to spend too long setting up your blog and playing around with settings. Things can always be changed down the line when you find your groove.


Focus on things that can make you money or bring you readers.

New blog posts can do this – changing the menu font (for example) can’t!

If you are a brand new blogger and your goal is to make an income from your blog, you will want to jump in feet first, perfect your blog, conquer all social media platforms, take courses, learn SEO and many other things…


Noone is a master (at anything) overnight – do not expect to become a pro blogger in a month.

The good news is that that means you can spend this first month doing very little else other than just enjoying writing and producing content for your blog.



I’m Exactly Like You

I’ve been blogging for over 10 years now, but even now it is so easy to get wrapped up in all the things you want to do and all the aspects that go along with blogging, that you want to do them all at once.

And I mean all.

From day one I am wanting to get the entire website exactly as I imagined it. Whether this be wanting ads on it, signing up to multiple affiliate programs, setting up new accounts across all social medias, wanting to network with other bloggers, and wanting to promote my content… but here’s a question? What content? Where does the content creation come into this grand master plan?

Taking a step back, using that the first month needs to be mostly all based on content creation, is a piece of amazing advice I received.



What To Focus On Your First Month Blogging

Content creation.

I honestly cannot stress this enough.

You will want to do everything at once – everyone does – but the main focus should be on writing quality blog posts to put on your website.

There are a couple of other smaller things I will mention a little later, but honestly, creating content should be your primary focus for that first month.

Whether you are looking to promote your blog, gain readers, followers and potential customers, or grow a decent following on social media platforms – you need content.

Content is key and I promise, getting a good amount of posts up in that first month will make the promotion a lot easier.

Of course content creation is important throughout your blogging journey but without content on your website in those first few months you won’t have anything to promote!



You Don’t Need to get Overwhelmed

Learning any new skill or business can seem daunting and overwhelming.

We live in a time where everyone has little patience and wants those big results and to be an expert in something NO. I am so guilty of this too, but you need to understand that blogging takes time to grow. 

It takes an average of 8 months for your posts to be found on Google.

Blogging is an incredible money making tool but is not a get rich quick scheme.

Just like any other job or set of skills, take it one step at a time.

You don’t need (and aren’t expected) to learn everything from day one and be an expert by day 30 with a huge following and earning thousands every month.

Give yourself permission to enjoy the journey. This isn’t an overnight process, so don’t put pressure on yourself to learn everything overnight.

Enjoy it. It’s fun!

There will be plenty of time to learn everything you need to know – and grow all your socials and your email list – to get to where you want to be. 



Other Things You Should Focus On – A Little Bit

If you decide to focus on content creation and nothing else for the first month, then honestly you’re still winning.

When it comes to knowing what to focus on your first month blogging – Content creation is the absolute base for your blog. The more you can get on it the better.

Other things will become important as you go along, but if you are still in any doubt what to focus on your first month blogging – it’s to write blog posts.


If you decide that you maybe can do some other little bits alongside content creation then here’s what I would recommend.




Learning SEO. This is basically the way you write your posts, using good keywords, and basically making it easier for Google to “find” you.

The Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress is the one I use here and it’s magic at showing you exactly how best to rank on Google and make your posts the most readable.




Pinterest is not a social media platform. I mean technically it is… but it’s really more of a search engine. People automatically want to grow their following for their blog on Facebook and Instagram. Initially I wouldn’t bother. Let me ask you this, how often have you seen a blog post on either of these and then clicked through to the actual blog? Once? Twice? Never? Now a lot of people (usually long-term bloggers) have success at this, but as a new blogger this way takes a lot more work, for very little return.

Pinterest though… the magical world of Pinterest. The whole purpose of the Pinterest is for people to search for things, and then click onto the origin blog those pins came from. This is why Pinterest is amazing for bloggers.

You don’t have to focus on it your first month as, again, you need to have content to promote, but there is no harm in getting the ball rolling in terms of learning Pinterest strategies or getting your account set up.



You can do other bits…

Taking courses, setting up your email list or signing up to affiliate programs does absolutely no harm. As long as the time spent on these in that first month is minimal and doesn’t take away from content creation.




Some people get success from their blog with just 1 new post a week, some like to post daily. This will take a bit of experimenting as to what works for you and your blog. 

A good rule of thumb is to post at least twice a week.

The first month – I would personally try and get 3 or 4 a week up.

That automatically gives you 12-16 bits of content you can then promote! 

If you did 4 a week for the first month and then went down to 2 a month, in just 3 months you would have 32 posts to promote and share! 

The important part here is consistency. However many posts you can do a week, stick to this number.

Fire out as many good quality posts as possible in the first month, and then settle into a consistent schedule where you can then post and focus on some other bits (such as courses or really learning Pinterest etc). 



Enjoy it!

Starting your new blog is scary and exciting. It’s supposed to be!

 I hope you can now see that you can just enjoy the process. There’s no need to get overwhelmed by everything you feel you “should” know or “should” be doing.

People get so wrapped up in wanting to learn how to do everything at once that they get overwhelmed and do nothing. 

Again – guilty!

There is a lot to learn – but as with anything, learning takes time. 

The way I started to look at is was – if you went to college to learn a new career, you wouldn’t expect/be expected to learn everything in a month and start earning the big bucks from day one.

Give yourself the same grace while learning a new skill on a new website.

Taking action in writing blog posts while you are learning the new skills is what will make you a success.

This is your blog. Your business. You learn and grow it at your own pace.

Of course you can go in head first and do as much as is humanly possible, but without that initial batch of content, the rest won’t work.

Now you know what to focus on your first month blogging.

Create killer content and share it with the world – that is the point of a blog anyway! 

You do you – and people will love you for it.



Speak soon!



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best tasks to focus on for new bloggers - what to focus on your first month blogging showing woman at laptop

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