
In this category "Blogging", you will find all posts and information relevant to blogging. This includes Blogging Tips, Blogging Resources and Starting A Blog. Within each of these categories you will find a whole range of information, tools and resources to help you set up and get started blogging. Alongside starting a blog, you will find more in-depth and behind-the-scenes type content. This is so your blog has the best chance of success!

  • Do You Need To Be a Good Writer To Make Money Blogging Katherine McLee Woman at desk
    Blog Monetisation

    Do You Need To Be a Good Writer To Make Money Blogging?

    Do You Need To Be a Good Writer To Make Money Blogging? I recently went through all the steps new bloggers need to take to start their own blog. A self doubt that pops up fairly often though is “but I’m not a great writer”. The question then comes… Do you need to be a good writer to make money blogging? In a word… no!   (Quick disclaimer: there is a difference between a blog and a niche website. If you have a blog – this post is for you! If you have a website with set information that needs to be professionally written (e.g. a financial advice website), then…

  • How To Start a Blog - Tips For Beginner Bloggers in 2023 - Katherine McLee Blog Sign
    Starting a Blog

    How To Start a Blog in 2025 – Tips For Beginner Bloggers

    How To Start a Blog – Tips For Beginner Bloggers in 2025 Starting a blog can be a range of emotions!  You’ve decided you want your own blog after realising you’re ready but then what? Wanting your own blog can be exciting but also a tad daunting if you’ve never had a blog before! In this post I’m going to go over the main steps on how to start a blog in 2025!   Why Deciding you want to start a blog is the first step, but WHY do you want to start one? The Why is only important to you so don’t worry what your Why is! Your Why…

  • Royal Kludge Backlit Retro Typewriter Gaming Keyboard Review Katherine McLee
    Blogging Resources

    Royal Kludge Backlit Retro Typewriter Gaming Keyboard Review – It’s Amazing!

    This is a review/personal opinion of the Royal Kludge Backlit Retro Typewriter Gaming Keyboard. This keyboard here.   As someone who types a lot, having a decent keyboard is SO important. For years I’ve had so many keyboards – since I discovered backlit/gaming keyboards I’ve been hooked! Gaming keyboards are honestly such a game changer as they are designed to look good and to be so responsive!  Whether you game, are a blogger, author of any sort or work from home and type a lot – you need a decent keyboard!  If you think of it as like any other hobby or profession – you need the right tools for…

  • How To Structure a Blog Post - Best Ways To Write Your Blog Posts image katherine mclee
    Blogging Tips

    How To Structure a Blog Post – Best Ways To Write Your Blog Posts

    How To Structure a Blog Post – Best Ways To Write Your Blog Posts When it comes to how to structure a blog post, there are actually quite a few options. Whether you are a new blogger or have been blogging for years, these tips are for everyone! Sometimes having a different way to do something can help speed up the process – more than you’d expect! Finding the way that works for you is key. In THIS post we go over how to write an entire blog post in just 1 hour… But what if that doesn’t work for you? Maybe your brain works differently. You may have a…

  • how long should the ideal blog post be
    Blogging Tips

    How Long Should The Ideal Blog Post Be? Ideal Length To Reach More People in 2025

    How Long Should The Ideal Blog Post Be? Perfect Length to Reach More People in 2025   How Long Is The Perfect Blog Post? This will very much depend on whether your blog is for business or personal use! If your blog is for hobby purposes and you aren’t too worried about SEO or your website being ranked or picked up by Google then I really wouldn’t worry about the lengths of the blog posts you write and publish. If you want to pop in short 300 word posts then you can of course do this! Your blog is your own to do what you like with. This is a…

  • How To Remove obj in Wordpress katherine mclee blog post
    Blogging Tips

    How To Remove obj in WordPress

    How To Remove obj in WordPress Learn how to remove obj in WordPress. Are you a WordPress user? If you’re like me, the answer is yes. With so many of us being WordPress users there’s a high chance you’ve come across this issue! Has this happened to you? You’ve planned, researched and written your post. Writing a post has taken time, be it one hour or a few. You copy it from your personal text editor into your chosen WordPress editor. Hit copy for the title and paste it in and you see a strange symbol?! The “obj in a box” has appeared.   This:   It’s not only frustrating…

  • How To Write a Killer Blog Post In 60 Minutes Or Less
    Blogging Tips

    How To Write a Killer Blog Post In 60 Minutes Or Less

    Mastering how to write a killer blog post in 60 minutes or less is a skill I would recommend any blogger learn.  Is it absolutely necessary?  No. Is it highly recommended so you can post up quality content even in a short amount of time? Absolutely it is. You may not overly enjoy writing blog posts and want it done quickly. Time may be the main factor here, or you may have a tendency to lose focus. I’m definitely the last one, I find it a lot easier to give myself a fairly strict timeline to complete writing a blog post.  The more time I have, the more I will…

  • How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Start A Blog
    Starting a Blog

    How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Start A Profitable Blog?

    You may WANT to start a blog, but how do you know if you’re ready to start a profitable blog? This post will be aimed at those who are wanting to start a blog to receive an income from it, more than anyone who wants to start a blog as a hobby. Imposter syndrome is not only real but can be so hard to push past and work through.  You see all of these amazing, beautiful, successful blogs and you want that for yourself but don’t feel you’re ready/worthy to start.  Why should anyone listen to you or what you have to say?  Spin that question around and you get:…

  • What To Focus On In Your First Month Blogging
    Blogging Tips

    What To Focus On Your First Month Blogging

    What To Focus On Your First Month Blogging? As a new blogger you may feel overwhelmed and not know what to focus on your first month blogging. You’ve decided you want to start a blog – that’s the first big step done! You then have your niche chosen, domain picked out, hosting provider sorted, but what now?  How do you know what to focus on your first month blogging? This all depends on whether you want your blog as a hobby or as a “successful” blog. (I put the word successful in inverted commas as success can look different to anyone. In this article I will be using it to…

  • Can Anyone Start a Successful Blog in 2022 (1)
    Blog Monetisation

    Can Anyone Start a Successful Blog in 2022?

    Blogging isn’t as daunting as it’s sometimes made out to be. Can You Start a Successful Blog in 2022? In short, yes. Of course! You would be forgiven for falling into the trap of believing that blogging is dead. It’s a rumour that has been going around for years. But if you take a step back for a moment you will realise that blogs are linked to the largest and most powerful search engine in the entire world. Google. So long as Google is around, blogs/websites will be too. Everyone has a different idea of success but to be transparent, this will take the meaning of success to mean in…

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