7 Ways To Make Money From Your Blog
Blog Monetisation

7 Ways You Can Make Money From Your Blog

This post may contain affiliate links where I may make a commission on purchases made through those links. For full details please see disclosure page.

I’m going to share with you 7 of the most popular ways you can make money from your blog.

Making money from your very own website is so exciting, especially knowing the earning potential is completely limitless. But what are the popular ways to be able to actually make money?

The niche you are in may have some sway over which monetisation options are best for you. You should be able to find at least a few from the list below that suit you and the way you want to make money from your blog.

The beauty in blogging and having a blogging business is that you can do whatever suits you.

That goes with making money! You can choose one, a few, or even all the ways listed below.

Pick the combination that’s right for you and your blog, and that suits you as to how you want to make an income.

Remember there are many more ways not listed also!

The first two here I truly believe anyone can implement for you to make money from your blog.

Advertising and Affiliate Marketing.



I’m sure this one comes as no surprise! Adding advertisements to your blog can help you to make money from your blog.

As a new blog you are best signing up for Google Adsense where you can place Google Ads on your blog. You can choose where they go (or you can even let Google choose, but they don’t always end up where you may have placed them yourself). This way Google provides the adverts for you.

The amount you get paid from advertising can vary dramatically. 

It depends on which adverts are showing, where they are placed on your website, how many views your site gets and how many people click onto them.

Adding adverts to your website is probably one of the simplest of the 7 ways to make money from your blog mentioned here, but I personally would never purely rely on advertising as an income.

Once you get a larger following and more pageviews you can request to join other advertising companies. With a larger amount of monthly pageviews, you will be able to apply for higher paying advertising. So that’s always something to look forward to as your blog grows!

Advertising is something you can implement even before you have anyone really reading your blog. 

Some people don’t like the look of having adverts on their blog which is personal preference. I’m happy to have adverts on mine as I’m happy seeing adverts on other people’s!


Affiliate Marketing

This is, hands down, one of my favourite ways you can make money from your blog.

The earning potential is limitless, and is more based on your own efforts, rather than the advertising rates set by an external company.

It is a term used all over the Internet, but is often portrayed as more complicated than it actually is.

It’s one of the ways you can potentially make a lot of money in a short amount of time…


Be aware that as with everything, seeing real results will most likely take time and effort.

The bigger the audience and the more they trust and respect your opinions and recommendations, the more you will make. 

I have a full post explaining Affiliate Marketing in more detail here!


What is Affiliate Marketing? 


Affiliate Marketing is when you get a commission from selling someone else’s products or services.

That’s it.


How does it work?


Most companies have affiliate programs now.

You sign up with your chosen company’s affiliate program and will be given a specific link to use.

You promote the product/share the link, people buy it, you make that commission.

This means no matter what niche your blog – there will absolutely be affiliate programs you can join.


Here’s an example and one anyone with a self hosted blog can do – Hosting


If you love your hosting provider – recommend them! 

You already use and love them, so share them with your readers.


Obviously the amount you make depends on the company’s commission rate, how big your audience is, and how much your audience trusts you.

The best part? 

You can sign up to as many affiliate programs as you like – imagine how much money you can make just by sharing products you already love with your audience.

Try to not recommend products to people you either haven’t used yourself or only know a little about.

Recommending bad products could hurt your trust with your readers which is the last thing we want!


Sponsored Posts

Sponsored Posts are an awesome way to get some extra income from your blog.

This involves working with brands, where they will pay you to talk about a product/service, sometimes as part of a post, sometimes as the main focus of your post.

Similar to Affiliate Marketing, the brand will pay you to talk about/advertise their product and will most likely then give you an affiliate link to get a commission from all sales made through that blog post also. 

When agreeing to do a sponsored post/paid review, make sure the company has not said you HAVE to say only positive things about their product. All reviews should always be completely honest.

The larger your audience, the more you will get paid by the company, as the more people the post will reach.

Getting asked to do a sponsored post is not something to expect straight away.

Give it time, build up your own brand, website and audience and the sponsored posts should start to follow!

Do your research to work out how much you should be charging per sponsored post too! 

Don’t let yourself be undercharged due to worrying you aren’t good enough.

You are. That’s why they asked you.


Selling your own digital products

If you are a new blogger, this one will most likely sound scarier than the rest, but have a read and maybe keep this in mind as a potential for the future.

This option has a few parts to it, but as an overview, you can create your own digital products and sell these through your blog or through a site linked to your blog.

The types of digital products you can create and sell are things like:

– E-Books

– Courses

– Subscription Websites

– Worksheets/Printables

One of the great things about digital products is that you only have to create them once.

Once they are created, your job is then just to promote and share with your audience why they will benefit from your products.

Obviously if they need updated/refreshed then do this, but on the whole once created, you can then profit from them.

The overheads for these sorts of products are also very low, so the profit margin here is very high. Especially as you have spent your time creating a product, and then an unlimited amount of people can then purchase it from you.

 If you are a newer blogger and don’t feel you could create a full online course yet, you could try for printables! 


Selling physical products

For some niches, this option can work amazingly well.

Say for example your blog was about crochet or healthy dog treats. You could absolutely sell physical products relating to either of those topics.

The overheads and time needed can be a lot higher, but that’s not to say it’s a bad option! If you love to crochet and are crocheting all the time anyway, why not sell it too! 

Making products to order can save you ending up with a large amount of inventory, but puts a little more pressure on you to get the products out in the timescale advertised.

This potential income stream won’t suit all website niches. But that’s the beauty in choosing the best ways for you to make money from your blog. It’s all personalised to you.


Selling your own services

This is one of the best options if you can offer a service to a person or group of people.

You can offer phone calls (for example a coaching call in your specific niche), video tutorials, online consultations etc.

One on one coaching is something you would need to plan your time in for, but it can be a great way to make money from your blog.

You don’t have to talk on the phone to sell a service online either. 

You can do it as a purely online service.

Never let anything stop you over details you can change and customise to suit you.

If you are knowledgeable about a specific topic but don’t have a large audience to be able to fully utilise the above other money making options, this is a great way to make money.

Which ties in with the last point I will be talking about today…

The last of the 7 ways to make money from your blog.


Freelance Writing

Like above, if you love writing about a specific topic or topics and don’t have a large audience of your own yet, you can offer your services as a Freelance Writer.

This is where people hire you to write a specific blog post but for THEIR website, not yours.

If you have the knowledge other people would need/use, absolutely utilise this and there is also no limit as to how many people you can write for.

The other bonus about this is that often you can link that post back to yourself/your own website which will also get your blog more exposure, growing your own audience while making yourself an income.

With freelance writing it’s often a better idea to reach out to blogs/companies you would like to write for. 

Do some research and (if just starting out), reach out to other bloggers to see if they would be willing to work with you. 

So that’s it!

Those are my top 7 ways to make money from your blog. 

There are many other ways but those are the most popular/simplest – especially when first starting out.

Some are trickier to learn/implement than others, but all can be very profitable, whether used alone or combining a few options and having multiple streams of income (always recommended!).

Speak soon!

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