How To Join a Blogging Community – The Best Places To Find Other Bloggers In Your Niche
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How To Join a Blogging Community – The Best Places To Find Other Bloggers In Your Niche.
Blogging is one of those funny things, that it can feel like you’re in it alone, even though there are thousands of other bloggers out there!
As much as blogging itself is quite a lone task, you certainly don’t have to feel like you’re alone in it.
You may have lots of physical people in your life around you, but if they aren’t blogging themselves, it can still feel lonely at times!
A big part of blogging is the community.
You may not feel you need it, but it’s highly recommended!
Of course can go it completely alone if you choose to, but it’s a lot harder, and a lot less enjoyable!
You are maybe wondering how to connect with other bloggers, how to collaborate with other bloggers, or even just where to find other bloggers?!
Finding blogging communities and other bloggers in your niche or a similar niche, can help you get steps ahead.
You can build relationships, share ideas, get help and advice, and then even collaborate or guest post on different blogs!
Some bloggers offer advertising spaces on their blogs for other bloggers to promote theirs!
Having other people to talk to about your new venture, who have gone through the same thing, is an amazing support to have.
The other huge advantage is having a place to talk to people who completely understand the feelings you’re going through.
Blogging is an amazing tool and is so rewarding, but at times it can be hard. You may lose motivation, you may doubt yourself, or you may just not be feeling it anymore. Having a group of people who completely understand that part of the blogging journey, makes it that bit easier to keep going when you doubt your own ability.
The other nice thing about being a part of a blogging community is that there will be such a range of bloggers! From the seasoned pros right down to those who only started that day. The advice and tips shared will benefit all, and help each other grow.
Within the blogging communities is also the perfect place to share your little wins! No win should be called little, but to non-bloggers, they may seem small. A blogging community will all celebrate your success with you! They have been there, and know how important it is to celebrate all wins, no matter how small!
So where do you look to join a blogging community and find other bloggers in your niche?
There’s a few places!
Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups are hands down one of the best ways to find other bloggers. Not just bloggers in your niche, but bloggers from a whole range of different niches!
You can search for groups for a specific type of blogger eg food bloggers or Mum/Mom bloggers. The other option is to join groups for bloggers, but of all niches.
Facebook groups are hands down one of the best ways to really feel a part of a blogging community, no matter how new your blog is.
Within these Facebook groups there will be opportunities to share your blog (please always read the group’s rules on promotion). You will be able to share any of the wins you will have as you go along your blogging journey, and ask questions!
Sometimes you may be looking for guidance or help. Other times you may be looking for support or opinions. Both are valid reasons to need other bloggers in your life!
Search for some blogging related terms in your niche, or “blogging” in general, and see which groups suit your needs!
Twitter is one of those social medias that people seem to either love or hate.
The one huge advantage twitter has is that you can search by hashtags or keywords. There’s no waiting to be accepted into groups or limits on how many times you can share tweets with those chosen hashtags in, to attract other bloggers to you!
It’s not as “private” as speaking to someone else directly or being within the walls of a private Facebook group, so it isn’t as favourable to ask questions or get help with your blog. On the plus side, a huge amount of other bloggers use twitter so there will be other bloggers in your niche you can speak to and get to know – at least on some level.
It’s tricker to form relationships on twitter. Not impossible, but a lot harder. You will start to recognise familiar names and faces the more you grow your following, and the more other bloggers you follow, but Twitter is (in my opinion) better for promotion, than to feel a part of a blogging community.
It may take a little trial and error to find out which hashtags bring up the best results for you and your niche. But the best way to do this is to use a generic hashtag like #foodblogger, and then see which other hashtags the more popular accounts are using!
This way you may just find one of the more hidden blogging networks within Twitter.
To be honest, I’ve never tried to find other bloggers on Instagram.
All the bloggers that I follow or that follow me, were all found via one of the other options here.
If you are a big Instagram user you may have success with this as you can of course search via hashtags like with Twitter.
You can search for topics in your niche and find bloggers that way, and then follow/interact on their profiles letting them know you’re in the same niche etc!
Instagram certainly isn’t one of the easiest ways to find other bloggers for most, but for some people it may be perfect. It will all depend on your niche and what sort of content you’re creating!
If you’ve already got a large following, you will have more reach. Of course you can engage on the posts of any other bloggers you do come across and can form relationships there! But just like Twitter, this will be more on a “one on one” basis, rather than having groups of people to talk to.
Pinterest is technically a search engine, not a social media platform. The good part is though, that it acts like a bit of both!
This means that you can search for pins and accounts that link back to blogs you are interested in, or blogs in your niche. It also means that you can follow those accounts, emoji react on idea pins, and leave comments on their pins too!
While Pinterest itself isn’t a social media platform, this can be a great way to find and engage with other bloggers in your niche.
The benefit of Pinterest over Google (which we will talk about in a minute), is that Pinterest will show you new accounts/bloggers as well as the bigger and more established accounts.
Even if you chose to search for “vegan recipes”, “book bloggers” or “crafts for children”, where you know there will be a lot of accounts, Pinterest will show you the newer accounts as well as the bigger accounts.
This is also a huge plus point for being found on Pinterest by others!
Always make sure your Pinterest account, boards and pins are well-worded with relevant keywords, so that your account can be shown to anyone else searching for accounts in your very niche!
As with Twitter, Pinterest is amazingly easy to find other accounts and to engage with their pins. It’s not great for if you specifically are looking to “join a blogging community”, with it being more of a search engine.
The social aspects are more of a plus point to interact with other pins/accounts!
Google Search
Google is the best way to find the biggest bloggers in your niche. Purely down to the fact that their websites are more likely to show up at the top of Google searches!
Pinterest would be second in this area, but you may have to search a bit harder for them.
This can be good if you are looking to reach out to a specific blogger. You can go onto their blog or find them on social media and reach out.
This isn’t the best option compared to most options above. What it can be good for though is if you’re in a very specific niche, you can find others talking on the same or similar topics.
Google Search is a great way to find inspiration and information from similar bloggers or bloggers you look up to, but isn’t my first choice for joining a community of bloggers.
You can search for “blogging communities” but from doing some research, not a huge amount comes up.
The one time I would absolutely recommend Google searching is that for some specific niches, they may have their own forums. A forum is a great way of connecting with other bloggers in your niche!
This is especially useful if you are in a niche that is technical or less visual so less likely to show on Pinterest.
You will of course still find bloggers on Twitter and in Facebook groups. But if you are struggling finding others in your exact niche, Google and potentially forums would be the way to go!
Blogging Platforms
Blogging platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, and Medium have built-in communities where you can join a blogging community to connect with other bloggers, follow each other’s blogs, and leave comments.
These can be more like a forum where you can ask questions or get help if needed.
Especially if your questions are relating to the blogging platform itself.
These can be good places to find other bloggers if you are already using these platforms on a daily basis!
Engaging with a community of bloggers can be an amazing way to network, learn new skills, and promote your blog. Definitely worthwhile doing!
Did you know there were so many blogging communities when you started blogging?
Where did you first get in touch with other bloggers?
Did you find other bloggers in your niche from anywhere else?
Let us know in the comments below!
Speak soon!
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