How To Write a Killer Blog Post In 60 Minutes Or Less
Blogging Tips

How To Write a Killer Blog Post In 60 Minutes Or Less

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Mastering how to write a killer blog post in 60 minutes or less is a skill I would recommend any blogger learn. 

Is it absolutely necessary? 


Is it highly recommended so you can post up quality content even in a short amount of time?

Absolutely it is.

You may not overly enjoy writing blog posts and want it done quickly. Time may be the main factor here, or you may have a tendency to lose focus. I’m definitely the last one, I find it a lot easier to give myself a fairly strict timeline to complete writing a blog post. 

The more time I have, the more I will use!

Why take 4 hours when you can do it in one?


Parkinson’s Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

This means that if you have an article that could easily be written in 1 hour but you give yourself all day, you will take all day to complete it.

Give yourself an hour, you’ll get it done in an hour.

Some blog posts will of course take longer than others. But there will be lots of posts you can write within that one hour timeframe.

You may have read my other post here regarding how to write an awesome blog post in 24 hours

This blog post will be similar to that but on a much shorter timescale to get your post live! 

As a quick disclaimer I do want to add that the more experienced you are with writing blog posts and things like SEO and even your website settings, the faster you will be able to get posts written and published.

To be inclusive to everyone, this post will be more focused around the actual writing part. 

There are of course other elements required to getting a good quality blog post live. Things like keyword research, finding/creating images, including internal and external links etc. But to keep things simple, that won’t be included in this explanation of how to write a killer blog post in 60 minutes – or less!

I find it hard to stay focused at times. 

We all do – some of us more than others.

Guess what?

That’s okay.


The whole point of earning from your blog/website is that it fits around you!

In time you will find routines and tricks that work for you.

Being able to write an entire article in an hour is definitely one that’s helped me!

It means I’m on a deadline to get it written.

That’s a good thing!

A little personal pressure can work wonders for keeping yourself motivated and on track.


So how DO you write a killer blog post in 60 minutes?

Where possible, find a time you can have an hour uninterrupted.

This isn’t always possible and is easier said than done, but that one solid focused hour will make a huge difference and you will have a full post written by the end of it!

Things may pop up or require your attention in that hour.

That’s life lol.

But if you can try and focus as much as you can, you will notice a huge difference in your productivity in that time.

Choose a topic you can write about without needing to research back and forth at the time.

(This is purely to get the text written in an hour. Of course research before if needed and check any facts etc. I mean don’t pick a brand new topic and try and write essentially an essay on it in 60 mins!)

Choose a title you can work with.

If you’re like me and need a little more pressure on yourself to stay on track, try this:

Have a minimum word count you are aiming for and write until you at least hit this. 

I always aim for at least 1500 for my “daily” type posts.

If you go over your word count aim then amazing, but at least you have the minimum there!

(To tie in with my ridiculously bad focus at times, I am also a sucker for keeping an eye on the word counter!)

This way you can keep a track of your word count > time ratio.

If you’ve written 600 words in 15 mins, you are doing amazingly!

Whereas if you’ve only written 400 words in half an hour, you need to pick up the pace.

To keep my focus, I give myself the hour deadline, keep an eye on the word counter, put my noise cancelling headphones on and write! 

These are the ones I use (correct on November 2022) – budget friendly but work amazingly well and are so comfortable.


This all depends on how strict you need to be in that one hour slot. 

If you are just using the “60 minutes” as a guide then you can of course go at your own pace.

The last thing I would recommend anyone doing – especially newer bloggers – is get your headers worked out early on.

I mentioned this in my other post but if you’re aiming for 1500 words, choose an average of 5 headings. 

Then you only need to write 300 words per section

Having your post mapped out like this is not only less daunting, but a lot more manageable.

You are more likely to keep focused as the feeling of completion is multiplied!



Ways to track that 60 minutes.

I would be a hypocrite if I advised you not to keep an eye on the clock as I find myself doing this fairly often.

There are better ways to track your hour though!

Set a timer on your phone (out of reach), or your Alexa/Smart speaker.

Create a playlist that’s 1 hour long and listen until the end of this.

Get a timer cube! Once it’s flipped over you can just leave it until the time is up.

A manual egg timer (the sand ones, not the ones that scream at you!).

A light/lamp on a timer you can manually set to turn off after an hour.

There are many more but these are just some ways you may find best for you to track and manage those 60 minutes.


What if you have finished writing your post and are only at 800 or so words?

This happens a lot when you first start out. 

You will write this amazing post and check the word count and you’re at less than a 1000 words.

Can you post it?

Sure… but I wouldn’t.

The world of blogs is very different to the world of social media.

In social media people want small snippets of information to be read in a few seconds.

In blogging, people have come for information, so the more information you can give them – the better! 

Imagine it as a conversation on your chosen topic.

How long could you hold a conversation with a friend or family member on it for? Is there another angle you could cover that’s relevant to the title of this blog post? 

What else may someone ask on this topic?

Never be put off adding in more information as you are wanting to “save” that topic for a future blog post. They can all tie in with each other and you can expand on it at a later date, but add it in now!

Being on too few words won’t be a regular occurrence if you follow the idea above and give yourself 5 headings. 

Assuming your blog/website is on a topic you are passionate about, you can easily write 300 words per sub heading.


Pillar Posts

Pillar posts are the main few posts you have on your blog that are a lot longer than the 1500 word minimum for a standard post.

They are the big articles on your website that go into a lot more depth and have a lot more information. 

Do not expect (or try) to get a pillar post written in an hour!

These posts will take hours/days to construct and write.

You can absolutely use the same structure but with lots more subheadings, and more time.


Do You Have To Write A Blog Post in 60 Minutes?


Omg no.

The joy of blogging and having a blogging business is that you can adapt it to fit into your lifestyle. Not only that but you can work however suits you best.

If you want to take your time on a post and write it over a few hours then absolutely do this!

You may find that there are times when you need to fit a post into one hour.

Or that you have other things to do so need to be able to write a full post in 60 minutes. 

That’s more what this post is about.

Advice rather than “must do”.

You can take anything at your own pace, but being able to write a blog post in 60 minutes or less is a good example of “work smarter not harder”. Something we can all strive for!

At the end of the day this is your life, your blog and your business. 

Do what works for you.

Finding tips and techniques that work best for you and your lifestyle is absolutely key.

Speak soon!

Katherine McLee signature black and white


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How To Write a Killer Blog Post In 60 Minutes Or Less yellow with laptop and sign saying work from home with text saying how to write the perfect blog post in just 1 hour

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