How to Find Your Why In Life and Business d
Mindset and Productivity

How to Find Your Why In Life and Business

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Truthfully, working out how to find your why is a concept that used to scare me a little, but it is honestly the best thing you can do to keep yourself moving in the right direction and not letting yourself quit – in your business or on yourself.

Your “Why” is your reason for doing things – anything. It’s literally the reason you choose to follow a certain path or follow a certain journey.

Knowing what your Why is can take a little bit of figuring out – don’t worry if you don’t know what yours is yet! It will come to you, but in the meantime I can help you with a list of smaller Whys, if you don’t quite have that big one figued out.


How to break down a Why

The two parts of a Why are the goal and reason to work towards that goal.

Your Why needs to be a very strong pull, to keep you going and keep that focus, even when you don’t want to/don’t feel like it.

I think there can be two types of why – a positive and a negative. Neither is wrong, this is purely labelling the reasons behind it.

As an example, say you want to lose weight. Losing weight itself isn’t a why, there is no reason behind it other than wanting the number do go down.

Now say you’ve been advised by a health professional to lose weight to avoid a serious health complication, this would be a strong why as to why to focus on eating more healthily and doing the exercise, even when you don’t always feel like it. This would be the negative based Why.

A positive based Why would be that you want to lose the weight to feel better in yourself, feel more confident and more full of energy, fitter and healthier and striving towards that image of health. 

Same Goal, different Reasons. Both effective. 


What your Why could be

When chosing your Why, you don’t need to have just one.

How to find your why could just as easily be, how to find your whys. Don’t be afraid to have more than one.

Some people will have that one, definite, driving reason why they do what they do no matter the circumstances.
Other’s need a few reasons to “push” us.

There is a famous quote saying that “Your Why should make you cry”. This means it should be something so strong in your life, that you will push yourself to reach those goals.

Here’s an example of the strong feelings that could be tied to a Why around making money.

Making money alone, is not a good Why.

Wanting to make X amount so you can quit your job you hate which is causing you so much stress, is a good Why.

Wanting to make X amount so you can buy a family member (or yourself) something that would dramatically improve their life, or be able to follow your life long dream of being able to buy land and adopt Donkeys… something that you really, truly want, that is a Why.

A Why for so many people is their kids. This is an amazing Why and what drives so many people to improve themselves and their lives in so many ways.

What if you still aren’t sure what your why is?

You may still be strugging how to find your why. Let’s break it down and something may jump out at you. 

I’m assuming at this point that you know what your goal is, be it lose weight, start a successful business, learn new skills etc.

You have the goal, you now need the reasons. 

Best idea at this point… write them down. All of them! Let your brain go wild, and brainstorm any and all reasons why hitting this goal will benefit your life.

Put pen to paper and just let the ideas flow. Even if any reasons sound small or silly, if they are a reason to work towards that goal – write it down.

You will find soon enough that you have a long list of reasons why you want to acheive this specific goal.

This entire list can be your Why! Have it somewhere you can see it all the time and keep reminding yourself why you’re doing this.

Go over the reasons in your mind as often as you can. Think of them anytime you don’t feel motivated or don’t want to get up early or go to the gym or send those last few emails or edit that last video. 

These reasons are precious to you. You are holding your future in your own hands.


Be specific. Take action. Then tick those reasons off! 


Speak Soon!


Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

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