8 daily habits of highly successful people - katherine mclee blog
Mindset and Productivity

8 Simple Daily Habits That Can Make You More Successful!

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This post is all about 8 Daily Habits Of Highly Successful People.

Success is no accident to those who achieve it.

What success means to you may be different to what success means to someone else. To some, success may mean a monetary goal. To others it may mean financial freedom, to have found true love or true happiness, or to be able to run their own business. There are so many meanings of what success means to different people, but success is no accident.

Success is strived and worked for. There are habits, systems and disciplines put in place to achieve their chosen level of success.

Those who are highly successful in their lives have certain daily habits that help them achieve their goals and maintain their success. That’s what we will go over in this post!

8 Habits for success

Habits can vary depending on the individual, but there are certain commonalities. These commonalities are present throughout daily routines of the highly successful.

If you’re looking for an amazing read on the power of habits, both Atomic Habits and The Power Of Habit are amazing!

Both James Clear and Charles Duhigg really delve deep into the world of habit setting and why it’s crucial for growth in all aspects of life.

If you are intrigued into the world of habits, definitely give these two a read!

8 Daily Habits Of Highly Successful People

Successful People Wake Up Early

This first point is one I know you’ll have heard many times! But there’s a reason for it.

When you read success stories from anyone who has achieved a high level of success in their business, this is a common habit throughout.

Many successful people start their day early to maximise their productivity and get a head start on the day.

Not only does it give you hours back in the day that you may not otherwise have had, but by waking up early you have uninterrupted time before anyone else is awake. 

Of course not everyone will have fully uninterrupted time no matter what time they wake up. The difference though is that you’re a lot less likely to have distractions before the majority of others are awake for their day.

For the highly successful, waking up early allows them to have time to take their time in the morning. It allows them the time to sit and plan out their goals and their day. Most highly successful people have a morning routine they follow and by waking up early it allows them to complete this in their own time.

If you need help in creating your own morning routine, check out this post!

Successful People Set Goals

Goals are one of the best tools you can use when achieving success.

You would be hard pushed to find someone who has achieved high levels of success in their life who never sets goals!

How would anyone ever know where they are going if they don’t have a destination in mind?

Successful people set clear goals for themselves, both short-term and long-term, and work towards them consistently.

To be successful in any area of life, goals are an absolute must. It includes a mix of long term goals, right down to daily and weekly goals. Consistently working towards those big, life changing goals.

Instead of long, drawn out to-do lists, successful people use their long and short term goals to craft their daily to-do lists.

This helps focus their minds on the tasks that are most important and that will help them achieve their goals.

You can read my post on setting SMART goals here!

Why Self Assessing Regularly Is Important For High Achievers

This point follows on directly from the goal setting point above.

As mentioned, you need to know where you are going to be able to get there. On the flip side of this, it also means you need to know where you are now. 

Every destination has a start and end point. Just as all goals have a starting and end point to achieve that specific goal!

Those who are highly successful are masters of self assessment.

This could be as frequently as after each working day, they reassess where they are at. This will help keep them on track for hitting those goals. The other benefit of self assessing regularly is that it shows them if any tasks haven’t been worked on or prioritised that should have been! 

Self assessing at the end of the month or even the end of the year may feel like enough for some people, but for those who have achieved high levels of success in their lives, you will find that a common habit is that they really up the frequency of how often they self assess.

Regular self assessment is one of the greatest tools to staying on your chosen path.

People often don’t realise how far off track they have gotten until it becomes large enough to notice and in retrospect then also need fixed. Catching yourself early can prevent you diverting too far off course and therefore prevent you needing to backtrack and re-do things that potentially shouldn’t have needed re-doing or fixing in the first place!

Regular Exercise Is One Of The Most Common Daily Habits For Successful People

Exercising regularly helps to maintain not just physical health but also mental health. Most highly successful people prioritise exercise and their fitness by making sure they get their daily workouts in.

No matter who you are, exercise is an essential part of a daily lifestyle. 

Exercise helps to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and increase energy levels.

A healthy diet is of course important also, as this keeps the mind and body alert, awake and healthy.

Whether the chosen exercise is walking, HIIT workouts, Yoga or Swimming, exercise is an important daily habit of successful people.

An enjoyable daily exercise habit can have a huge impact on your daily life. This is why successful people swear by it!

When you exercise your brain receives endorphins which make your mind feel good. This is an amazing trick to tap into your mind as the better you feel, the more productive you will be!

This point was probably one of the more obvious ones, but there’s a reason it’s well known!

Definitely isn’t one to skip if a high level of success is your goal. 

Successful People Are Strict With Time Management

Successful people are often very organised and manage their time effectively to ensure that they can accomplish all their tasks and goals.

Effective time management is key to productivity and success! Successful people are often very organised and manage their time effectively to ensure they can accomplish all their tasks and goals. 

They use tools such as calendars, timers, and apps to stay on track and avoid distractions.

Time blocking is an amazing way to practise good time management. This is where you take your time and break it down into blocks of time, with each block being assigned to a specific task or activity.

Elon Musk has stated he blocks his time right down to 5 minute increments!

While this may be extreme for most people, time blocking on the whole is an amazing way to really make sure all important tasks are scheduled into your day. It also helps things feel less overwhelming as you can see when things are going to be completed – rather than worrying over a never-ending to-do list.

Blocking out time for meetings, business growth tasks, personal development, exercise, family time etc makes sure each area of life can get completed – but only if the time blocking schedule has been followed.

Successful people always set a timer or alarm to keep them on track! 

One of the huge positives of time blocking is that you can also see exactly where there’s wasted time in your day. This way you can really utilise and make the most of your time.

We are all on limited time – learning to use your time wisely is key for success!

Grab yourself a decent planner and timer and watch your productivity skyrocket!

For ideas and help as to getting and staying focused, read here!

Successful People Are Always Learning

Successful people are always looking for opportunities to learn and grow. They attend seminars, and seek out mentors to help them gain new knowledge and insights. This could be in the form of books, audio books, webinars, online courses, in person seminars, coaching etc just to name a few!

Learning is essential to staying ahead in today’s fast-paced world, and successful people know that investing in their education and skills is key to maintaining their success. For example, Bill Gates is an avid reader, and Warren Buffet spends 80% of his day reading!

Everyone learns differently. Finding the ways that you learn best and utilising those will be the key to your own learning and success. 

Growth is the key to anything positive in life. Learning is a huge part of that!

There’s always new skills and information to learn.

You will never find a highly successful person who feels they know it all and have closed themselves off to learning!

You can be an expert/highly knowledgeable in a topic but still have a lot to learn.

Successful People Are Always Networking

Highly Successful people understand the importance of building relationships and networking with others. 

Nearly every single area of life runs off of people. People go to people. 

Businesses need customers, content creators need readers/watchers, charities need donations etc.

People are what make the world go round. This is not lost on the successful!

Having an ever growing network of people, friendships and relationships is one of the best things to have for yourself and your business.

Networking can open up new opportunities and help you stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

Practising Gratitude Is Important For Successful People

Gratitude is an important mindset practised by the successful because it helps to shift the focus from what we lack to what we have. Focusing on the positives instead of the negatives!

Instead of dwelling on the negative or what is missing, practising gratitude allows us to recognise and appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. This can lead to a more positive outlook, increased resilience, and a greater sense of well-being. 

Here are some ways gratitude can help you achieve success:

Gratitude helps to reduce stress and anxiety. When we focus on what we are grateful for, it can help to reduce stress and anxiety by shifting our attention away from negative thoughts. Studies have shown that practising gratitude can increase feelings of relaxation and improve overall well-being.

Daily gratitude helps to increase our resilience. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude, we can become more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we can maintain a positive outlook and find the strength to persevere through difficult times.

Practising gratitude helps to increase motivation and productivity. When you feel grateful for what you already have, it can increase your motivation and productivity. By focusing on the positive, you are more likely to approach tasks and challenges with enthusiasm and energy.

Gratitude helps to attract more positivity into our lives. By practising gratitude, we can attract more positivity into our lives. When we focus on the good things in our lives, we are more likely to attract positive opportunities and experiences.

Practising gratitude may seem unnecessary but it’s truly one of the biggest “hacks” out there for a positive mindset and success!

You can express gratitude in various ways, including writing down things you are grateful for, or practising meditation. No matter how you do it, as long as you truly FEEL grateful, you’re doing it right!

So those are the 8 daily habits of successful people and the key to their success! 

Incorporating these habits into your own life can help you achieve your goals, boost your productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remember, success is not achieved overnight, but through consistent effort and dedication to your goals. By adopting these habits, you can set yourself on the path to success!

Do you do any of these daily habits already?

Which ones do you feel you could implement into your own daily routine?

Let me know in the comments below!

Speak soon!

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