Mindset and Productivity
In this category "Mindset and Productivity" you will find all posts and information relating to productivity, time management, goal setting and more! You will find help and tips on becoming more focused and time concious, helping you to get more done in less time. There is not only information on productivity and mindset, but also help regarding motivation, habits, inspiration and overcoming the feeling of overwhelm!
Achieve More in Less Space: Home Office Ideas for Compact Living
Image: Pexels Guest article written and submitted by Sara Bell of EducatorLabs. Working from home has become the new norm for many people, and having a dedicated workspace is essential for productivity and organization. However, not everyone has the luxury of a separate room for a home office. If you’re living in a small space, here are some ingenious ways to create a functional and stylish home office that won’t take up too much room. Buy the right decor, equipment, and furniture Setting up a home office in a compact space necessitates savvy choices in office products and furniture. Opt for versatile and space-saving items like foldable desks and wall-mounted…
How To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed As A New Blogger
In this post we will go over how to avoid feeling overwhelmed as a new blogger. Blogger overwhelm is a real thing! No matter if you are a new or more experienced blogger, no doubt you will have felt overwhelmed at some point. It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus on your blogging goals within the chaos of daily life. There’s a lot more to growing a successful blog than you may initially realise. This isn’t to say it’s not worth it – it 100% is – it’s just the reality of having your own blog! Let’s dive in and look at how to avoid feeling overwhelmed…
8 Simple Daily Habits That Can Make You More Successful!
This post is all about 8 Daily Habits Of Highly Successful People. Success is no accident to those who achieve it. What success means to you may be different to what success means to someone else. To some, success may mean a monetary goal. To others it may mean financial freedom, to have found true love or true happiness, or to be able to run their own business. There are so many meanings of what success means to different people, but success is no accident. Success is strived and worked for. There are habits, systems and disciplines put in place to achieve their chosen level of success. Those who are…
Monotasking vs Multitasking – The Best Trick For Productivity
Monotasking vs Multitasking – The Best Trick For Productivity We have all heard the phrase “Work Smarter Not Harder”, but there’s a second phrase that is just as relevant which says “Don’t Be Busy, Be Productive”. Productivity is one of those terms where we all understand the concept. We have so many reasons to want to be more productive in our lives! But how do we actually become more productive? You may be starting a blog or your own business and need to be more focused. You may want to be more productive as a student, a parent or just needing to get your life a little more organised working…
5 SMART Blogging Goals For New Bloggers
Follow my blog with Bloglovin 5 SMART Blogging Goals For New Bloggers I think we can all be guilty of setting fairly bad goals. Not bad in the sense they weren’t good things to aim for, but either really weren’t achievable, or were so vague I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing daily to actually achieve them! My focus can be shocking at times lol. I touched on this (and the things that help me) in my last post: 17 Ways To Stay Focussed While Working From Home Mix that with not having specific goals to work towards and I basically flailed around…
17 Ways To Stay Focused While Working From Home
17 Ways to Stay Focused While Working From Home This post is a personal one as it comes from experience! It can help anyone, but will be especially helpful to my fellow neurodivergent readers. My focus can be shocking to non-existent at times. Like, really really bad! No matter how much I want to do something, I sometimes just cannot get my head to focus. On anything! We all have our wants and reasons for doing things, but that doesn’t mean we can all automatically focus when we need it. I’ve compiled a list of things that have helped me. They are by no means miracle workers, but may just…
101 Powerful Quotes to Keep You Inspired (Even on Tough Days!)
101 Quotes to Motivate You in Life and Business
How To Create The Best Morning Routine – 26 Ideas To Help You Build Your Own
How To Create The Best Morning Routine – 26 Ideas To Help You Build Your Own A morning routine is a sequence of actions made up of different components. Morning routines have been a staple part of the day for the successful and organised for a long time now. Everyone’s seems to be a bit different from each other’s, so how do you know what’s the best morning routine for you? There is no secret, but there is a good formula to follow when choosing which steps to add into yours. The best morning routine for you does not need to include all the steps below, or even half…
Lack Of Focus While Working From Home? Motivational Hacks to Avoid The Struggle!
Whether you work from home for yourself or an employer – staying productive and sane while working from home can be tricky! Here are some realistic ways how to keep yourself motivated when working from home and help keep your mind active and focused. Get Ready For The Day Having a good morning routine is so important in how to keep yourself motivated when working from home. It will make such a big impact on the rest of the day! But… Not everyone can fit a full morning routine into their day. By “can” I don’t mean won’t. I know that in theory everyone could get up earlier but some people…
How to Find Your Why In Life and Business
Truthfully, working out how to find your why is a concept that used to scare me a little, but it is honestly the best thing you can do to keep yourself moving in the right direction and not letting yourself quit – in your business or on yourself. Your “Why” is your reason for doing things – anything. It’s literally the reason you choose to follow a certain path or follow a certain journey. Knowing what your Why is can take a little bit of figuring out – don’t worry if you don’t know what yours is yet! It will come to you, but in the meantime I can help…