Blogging Resources
In this category "Blogging Resources", you will find all posts and information relevant to blogging tools and resources. Whether you are looking for the perfect course, wondering about website themes, or the best keyword research tool for new bloggers, you will find it in this category!
Blog Showing an Error Message: How to get Back Up and Running
Is your Blog Showing an Error Message? Learn How to get Back Up and Running! Updated 02/23 There aren’t many things scarier as a new blogger than having your entire website crash! You load your blog and it’s not there… and if you can’t get on to it, neither can any of your readers! Whether it be a completely blank screen or an error message, as a new blogger, the panic sets in. We’ve all been there! I’m going to explain what to do if you see your website or blog showing an error message (or a blank screen), and how to get back up and running asap. As a…
Free royalty free stock photos – where you can get free photographs for your blog
Here I will be explaining where to find free royalty free stock photos for your blog. (Basically where to get all those cute/professional looking photos but without the hefty price-tag or worries around whether you are actually allowed to use them on your blog!) A few years ago when I first started blogging (this isn’t my first blog), it was back when not-overly-great self taken pictures weren’t just accepted but they were the norm. Any self-taken photo would do – as long as you could see what the image was of, it was all good! Over the years though a lot of people have started making their blogs look and…